Protein diet

No do you think that without meat, but you need to lose a few extra kilograms? Protein diet – it is exactly what you need. It is the optimal system of nutrition for those who don't want to deny yourself the pleasure of constantly consume meat products, but is willing to give up the harmful sweets, starchy foods, salty, smoked and marinated.

And then the question arises: "zdf is it possible to lose weight, eat mainly foods with high protein content?" Yes, and we are pleased to show you.

The essence of the protein diet for weight loss

the essence of the diet

On what is based this weight loss program, it is clear already from the title. The main source of energy and the "driving force" in burning fat – protein. To date, this is the most sparing and effective system that will allow you to lose weight by eating a variety of protein products and is experiencing feelings of hunger and stress. The essence of the method lies in the following points:

  • Eating only foods with high protein content.
  • A complete rejection of lung carbohydrates titles, products which contain sugar.
  • Give up foods from unhealthy fats.
  • Drink unlimited quantities of vegetables and fruits, fish, eggs, lean oil, dairy products with minimal fat.

When he realized the nature of this diet, you will always feel fresh, full of, at the same time lose those extra pounds.

Rules of diet for protein

Protein – the basic building material components, included in all the major processes in the body. In case of insufficient flow of the substance a person begins to feel discomfort – it weakens the immune system, decreases performance, impairs memory, some of the organs begin to work with disabilities.

Rules of diet for protein

While watching this dietetic system of protein components come practically in excessive amounts. In order to get benefit from this method of weight loss, instead of "plant" your organism, violation of metabolism, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  • Each meal should consist of protein, combined with other foods, such as vegetables, yogurt, fruit, etc.
  • Daily rate of fat – 30 grams, which is, on average, 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. It is necessary that the minimum drinking "fatty" food. Best of all, if it will olive oil for refueling salad. Since mayonnaise is worth it to give up altogether.
  • Complex carbohydrates in form of cereals can be consumed in the first half of the day. Allowed to eat up to six tablespoons. We prefer rice, buckwheat and oatmeal.
  • In the preparation of dishes using vegetables with a small amount of starch – cucumbers, zucchini, lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes etc.
  • The selection of fruit for your menu, and we prefer the sweet and sour-sweet apples, citrus, e.g., oranges, grapefruit. Eat in a day, can be made into two fetuses.
  • Clearly we keep drinking regime. From 1 to 2 liters of fluid, it is needed necessarily to drink throughout the day.
  • The basic amount of food deformable at 5-6. Last time to eat several hours before going to sleep.
  • During the diet it is strictly forbidden to consume alcoholic drinks, eat sweet and pastry.
  • Not experiment with the timing of the diet. Its length should not exceed two weeks, otherwise you can seriously hurt your body.


benefits of diet protein

Follow the rules of the diet is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. This weight loss method has many advantages, most important among which are:

  • No hunger, stress and the constant desire something to eat. Protein food is processed in the body very long. In combination with a sufficiently large portions it provides a constant feeling of saturation.
  • The rapid decline in body weight. Just a few days you can easily lose up to three kilograms of excess weight. If there is enough will and a strict relationship to each other, then the result can improve twice. If you want to significantly lose weight, select diet, is focused on two weeks.
  • A durable result. Unlike the same fasting days on watermelon, protein diet gives permanent results. When the correct output can, at least for a few years forget to throw pounds. The weight will hold at the proper level.


The disadvantages of diet for protein

But not to forget some of the shortcomings in the weight loss program:

  • The lack of glucose. Deficient content of this component sees to the depletion of such important substances as glycogen, which focuses directly on muscle mass. As a result of this deficit gradually comes to dehydration, weight loss begins to feel weakness and pain throughout the body.
  • Unpleasant smell from the mouth. Excessive consumption of protein foods see to the emergence of bad smell.
  • The deterioration of the condition of the nervous system. If a person initially there is a premise to the similar disease, then in time, perhaps the incidence of depression.
  • The lack of useful substances and minerals. The use of the products, in the composition, which contains the most protein, gradually sees to it that the body begins to feel the lack of vitamins, minerals, macro - and trace elements. As a result, worsens the condition of hair, skin, nails.


Despite its simplicity of execution and excellent results, it is necessary to carefully approach to a protein diet. There is a whole list of contraindications, in which it is necessary to choose the second option:

  • Anemia.
  • Pathology of the liver.
  • Heart disease in the chronic phase.
  • Diabetes.
  • Dna.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.

Also refrain from this method is the need of the people whose work is connected with heavy physical exertion.

Types of protein diets for a week

Types of protein diets for a week

Today for weight loss is available as a classic version of the protein diet system, and some varieties, the current in certain situations. Among the most common methods:

  • Express-diet. Developed it at 3 and 5 days. Nutritionists advise, what less, how to lose weight in this way, because the body is not enough to adapt. If you need to quickly lay out before helena after the holidays, then such a choice of diet will suit you, how to be a better.
  • For the pregnant. This system is fully balanced rations. The Menu is thought out to the smallest detail, contains not only proteins, but also the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and other useful substances. Sparing mode power supply allows you to "stretch" the holding time of up to four weeks. Apart from handling day during pregnancy, this option is the most preferable.
  • Protein-fat. Another option with balanced rations. In this variant of losing weight is allowed to eat a small amount of fat. Shows this diet and people who suffer from pancreatitis.

Protein-vegetable diet

Protein-vegetable diet

Diet on protein and vegetables – one more variation of the main a weight loss program that deserves special attention. She enjoys incredible popularity among the modern girls, who desire to lose weight delicious and nutritious. The combination of protein and vegetables ingredient are really ideal and provides excellent results.

According to the opinion of experienced experts on nutrition, this variety is the most safe and practically do not cause any harm to the body. The essence of the method is, as already follows from the name, is in operation daily 200 grams of fish, meat and vegetables. Perfectly combine pure protein with vegetable days. So you reach the most obvious result.

The length of the protein-vegetable diet from 5 to 20 days. Diet definitely is assembled from the following categories:

  • Fruit – a minimum amount of.
  • Vegetables you can eat both fresh and after thermal processing (cooking, baking, cooking, steaming, frying).
  • Low-fat meat helena fish.
  • Low-fat dairy products.
  • Water, tea, black coffee without added sugar.

On the basis of this list is compiled of individual dietary menu.

Protein-carbohydrate diet

Protein-carbohydrate diet

The protein-carbohydrate way to lose weight, it also responds positively most of the weight loss. A balanced diet consists of protein and complex, LP of carbohydrates, provides quick and easy burning of subcutaneous fat, without hunger, stress and nervous exhaustion. Diet menu is in this case assembled from the following products:

  • Low-fat dairy products, and dairy products.
  • Seafood, white fish with little fat and seafood.
  • Low-fat meat, poultry.
  • Legumes.
  • Eggs.
  • Dried fruit.
  • Pasta firm varieties.
  • No cereals.
  • Potatoes.
  • Whole wheat bread.
  • Nuts.

During the compilation of the diet is to very carefully look at the products covered.

Protein diet for 14 days: sample menu

How to properly assemble a menu for a diet? The beauty of the rough diet is related with the fact that during the compilation includes not only the features of the method, but are taken into account the taste preferences of the person. If you don't know where to start, we offer the following sample menu for two weeks, which will help you in creating your own perfect diet.

Day Breakfast Lunch Snack Dinner
1 Eggs vsmjatku Baked chicken Salad vegetable Pork meat with eggplant
2 Ham and cheese, cucumber Pumpkin soup Kefir Salmon on the grill
3 Cottage cheese and an apple Chicken breast cooked Yogurt Sea fish baked
4 Scrambled eggs and ham Pork chops, vegetable ragout Green tea, cheese Zucchini fried
5 Cheesecakes Chicken for a few Boiled eggs Peppers stuffed with meat
6 Scrambled eggs with herbs The meat is cooked and vegetables Kefir Pumpkin milk porridge
7 Yogurt Salmon soup Green tea, cheese Chicken cutlets with cheese
8 Cottage cheese and sour cream Beef soup with vegetables Kefir Fish cooked
9 Egg white omelet with cheese Meat with stewed cabbage Yogurt Fish meatballs
10 A salad of cucumbers and tomatoes Baked meat with mushrooms and cheese Green tea, cheese Vegetable baked
11 Egg boiled, tomato Soup chicken Yogurt Stewed meat with vegetables
12 Kefir and apple The chicken is cooked, vegetable ragout Cottage cheese and sour cream Mackerel baked
13 Protein scrambled eggs, cheese Pork chops, vegetable salad Kefir Fish baked with tomatoes and cheese
14 Casserole cheese Beef soup with vegetables Yogurt Chicken, stewed with onions and tomatoes

Protein diet for weight loss: recipes of dishes for menu

Deciding to sit on the protein diet, many of them immediately arises the image in my head of a boring breakfast, lunch and dinner, consisting of dry chicken breast and a few leaves of salad. Actually, diet menus, too, can be delicious. Here are a few interesting recipes, which will occupy a worthy place on your desk and it will be an incredible taste.

Egg cream-soup

Protein diet for weight loss


  • Fillet of chicken – 400 g.
  • Spinach – 400 grams.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Skimmed milk – 150 ml.
  • Spices and salt to taste.

Coming soon:

  • Meat cook in water with Lavrov leaf and favorite spices.
  • Prepared fillets cut into small pieces.
  • In chicken broth to cook it in advance washed and prepared spinach to the full readiness.
  • Combine in the bowl of a blender broth, spinach, meat, pre-boiled eggs, milk and grind into a homogeneous state.
  • Pour on part of the plate and serve, garnished with greens and half a quail egg.
  • A hearty lunch is ready. Bon appetit.

Cheese omelet


  • Grainy cottage cheese – 100 g.
  • Egg whites – 3 pieces.
  • Green onions – 3 feathers.
  • Dill and salt to taste.

Coming soon:

  • Protein eggs lightly, add salt and whisk in the education of fresh, beautiful foam.
  • Cottage cheese combined with dill, lightly salt and whisk in a blender to a nice creamy state.
  • Gently, slowly moves in one direction to introduce a cheese mass at a protein and well vymeshivayut.
  • Lay on the prepared dough into the mold for baking, sprinkle with finely chopped green onions and bake in the brass housing into the education nice golden crust.

Cheesecake cheesecake

Cheesecake cheesecake


  • Cottage cheese 0% — 200 grams.
  • Lemon juice – 50 ml.
  • Starch -2 tablespoons (I corn).
  • Apple – 1 pc.
  • Squirrels – 5 pieces.
  • Yolk – 2 pcs.

Coming soon:

  • Bullseye clear from the skin and grind in a blender.
  • The apple mass add cottage cheese, citrus juice, starch and egg yolks. All carefully vymeshivayut, working a blender.
  • Proteins whisk in a separate container, into soft peaks. Gently introduce them to the cheese mass.
  • Lay the finished mixture into molds for baking, pre-moistened with water, and send in the oven for approximately half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  • The finished cheesecake was lying on a beautiful dish and cut part of the pieces. A great diet dessert is ready.

The choice of diet, as a way for weight loss – the perfect solution for every woman. Even when there are no contraindications, you can always find for themselves the most appropriate option (a protein-carbohydrate, diet Dyukana, etc.) of the several varieties of this diet method. Let's lose weight delicious – beautiful, durable result is guaranteed.